The Chaos Imperative
by Ori Brafman
Despite what despite what many think, chaos can actually help you achieve success. Chaos creates opportunities for new and inspiring ideas. In order for it to happen well the author examines how to do so in a controlled way. I found the first chapters to be quite illuminating.
To give you a taste, the authors the key concepts include making room for:
- Creating white space; moments between the daily tension in which there is no plan or structure that gives the brain room to come up with new ideas..
- Unusual suspects; bringing people with different experiences, different backgrounds, different methods, different ways of looking at things, into the mix.
- Planned serendipity; setting up a culture that encourages spontaneous interactions across the organization between all levels and all departments to encourages the flow of new ideas.
I found myself recommending this book, quoting this book and highlighting throughout this book. I will definitely be keeping it on my shelf and looking to it again.