I saw this image on a poster while waiting for the metro. It caught my attention and so I told Doug I wanted to go and see the exhibit at the National Portrait Gallery. We decided to make it a date and go to see it after church. Wow! were we in for a surprise.
One of the best parts of living in DC is the plethora of free museums. By living here I have the luxury of stopping by to see a small section of a collection vs wearing out my feet because I only have one day to see it all. The trick is planning, making room in my schedule, and not forgetting I have a treasure in my yard waiting for me to visit is.
What I didn't know was that every three years artists from around the country are invited to "investigate the art of portrayal". The scope of the work was breathtaking. You can take a look. The exhibits ends January 8, 2017. If you're in DC add this to your cultural 'to-do' list.