“Do not wait: the time will never be ‘just right’. Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command and better tools will be found as you go along.”― Napoleon Hill”
Wise words – and ones I needed to re-read in order to get off dead center and start blogging.
I’ve been dragging my feet. I had to make my peace with the fact that the ‘perfect time’ it will never come to make this first post. After all, studies show that at the end when looking back on life the most common regrets are not the risks taken, but those not taken. Of the many regrets, people describe regrets of inaction outnumber those of action by nearly two to one.
True confession… part of what has created my inaction has been that I’m a both/and kind of girl. Say what?! Wisdom says that when writing a blog you should stick to one voice. I was stuck until our daughter helped me see that I should separate the two.
Part of me loves sharing discoveries and things I’m finding along the way the other part wants to discuss ideas. I couldn’t see how I could blend the two parts of me. One that is excited about something, and another that wants to share learnings in order to make life easier.
While I am committed to life-long learning, frankly I am lazy. Reflection if hard work and who wants to hear what I have to say about life anyway? The easier and less costly route was to blog about what I’m discovering along the way. But, I do have some things to say about what I am learning and want to share them with you. So I’ll pretend we are chatting over a cup of coffee, musing about life . . . Both/And!
One thing I know for sure. There is no perfect time to take action. So here I go!