Don’t let fear limit you & your vision

I like reading my Bible in the mornings.  It helps ground my day in something other than “Doing” right out of the gate.  I find it easier to follow a reading plan as it’s one last thing to think about.  Today I read from Psalm 106 and this jumped out at me.:

    He gave them exactly what they asked for — but along with it they got an empty heart.  

Isn’t that like life at times.? We say we want more and we’re ready for change, yet the slightest bump in the road gets us off course.  Its human nature to want the easier path. One without struggle or bumps. We want the easy button.   However, I’ve learned that if things come easily I tend not to appreciate them as much. If I get “what I ask for” it often produces an empty heart.  

Today I am reminded to lean into the struggle.  To not grumble when facing yet another learning curve.  To not give up when faced with hardship. To celebrate when my muscles are tasked beyond my capacity. To choose more and not complain while in training to get to my promised land.

I don’t think people intentionally choose mediocrity but many settle for it.  Never settle.  

Don’t let fear limit you and your vision.  That is a recipe that leads to an empty heart.  
